Please accept our apologies if you believe there is a fault with your item, we take all complaints regarding the quality of our products seriously and we will need to investigate the reported fault in more detail. If you receive a product that is damaged in shipping, defective or that is not the product you ordered, please return it to us and we’ll arrange for a replacement. But some conditions apply. Those are:
- Order must be checked in front of the delivery person (Inside Dhaka).
- If you find any defect and you think you need to return the product, inform us immediately via Support mail or social media as soon as possible along with a picture and we will arrange the replacement within 48 hours (Inside Dhaka)
- If product is damaged, it must be informed immediately after receiving and returned within 3 days from the day the product has been received. (Outside Dhaka)
- if you received the wrong item which are not what you ordered, please contact us with a photo of the package and the wrong items. We will resend you the correct items immediately. it will take maximum 2 days for inside Dhaka delivery and 4 days for outside Dhaka delivery. Once you receive the correct item, please send the wrong item back with the delivery man.
- Product must be intact, however there can be exception (if the product is damaged).
- Used or Swatched product (even if its damaged) will not be considered for exchange or refund.
- In the interests of hygiene we are unable to exchange or refund any grooming, cosmetic or electrical products once the security or hygiene tag/seal has been removed, or if they show signs of use unless the items are faulty
- If the customer chooses or places an order by themselves and want to return/change the product (except damaged products) the request will not be accepted.
- Once we receive the damaged or faulty product, it will be inspected thoroughly and the claim will be verified. It might take up to 1 business day to verify.if it is found that the claim is valid, then the product will be exchanged
- And in case of return for exceptional circumstances, customer must pay the transportation cost.